Zero air generator for zero check and calibration of gas analysers
For dilution of calibration gas
For dilution of reaction mixture with zero gas at gas phase titration (GPT)
For hydrocarbon-free burner air supply of GC combustion detectors like e.g. flame ionisation detectors (FID)
Reliable constant continuous pure air on ppt level
Simple installation
Economically operation (no need to purchase or replace gas cylinders)
Optimal operating safety
Error messages are indicated as text on the display
Low maintenance effort with indication of maintenance instructions on the display
Stand-by mode for short interruptions of operation
Continuous production of pure air, free of water vavour (H2O),hydrocarbons (HC), nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulphur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3) and carbon monoxide (CO)
For direct connection of compressed air or an external compressor
PLC process control with display for temperatures (cooler, catalyst), operating hours, as well as status and error messages
Water vapour removal with peltier cooler to a dew point of -15 °C
Automatic periodically condensate removal
With integrated pre-filter for protection of the external compressor
With integrated dust filter in the in- and outlet for removal of solid particles
With integrated separator for condensate droplets with automatic discharge and pressure relief safety-valve
With 2 precision pressure regulators in the in- and outlet
With palladium catalyst, ozone generator and activated charcoal for “gas cleaning”